Woodford Count Festival of Trees
2020 Festival of Trees
In light of the 2020 COVID 19 Pandemic, the Woodford County Festival of Trees committee has gotten creative. With the goal of continuing our tradition (to raise money for the children of Woodford County), we have structured this year’s event in such a way to allow the community to safely participate over a greater window of time. With 15 total donated fully decorated trees, we are strategically placing trees throughout the community and providing a window of three weeks for the community to view them and purchase raffle tickets. You will find a map located on the MAP tab of each tree location. Trees will be up for community viewing beginning Saturday, November 14th. You can purchase a raffle ticket on the SHOP page for any of the trees to wish to enter to win. Tickets can also be purchased by calling 859-214-4593. We will pull tickets for winners via Facebook live on Sunday, December 6th. We’re excited about this year’s event and hope that you enjoy it!
More Information can be found at www.wcfestivaloftrees.org